Glendowie Stream
Glendowie Stream, within Churchill Park, is a lovely waterway, flowing underground through the suburb of Glendowie for long sections and surfacing across the southern border of Churchill Park.
After leaving the park it is piped beneath Glendowie Reserve, surfacing again at Roberta Ave and then flowing out into the Tāmaki Estuary.

Continued positive action is required to mitigate pressures of erosion and sedimentation on this receiving environment
Seachange, 2014; Eastern Bays and Glendowie watercourse assessment report: C Davis, K Parmar, K Wilson, D Brockerhoff, K Fredrick, D Young, Morphum Environmental Ltd, Auckland Council Healthy Waters Department 2020.

The Glendowie Stream monitor was one of the longest, continuously operating TEEF/Innovate Auckland monitors, until being disabled by Christmas 2022 rainstorms.